This page will contain as many school related photos as I can get hold of, so if you have any you think might be suitable, please get in touch.
I especially want class and staff photos of any era and if you can provide names as well, that would be great.
A view from Leopold Street
This photo was used to advertise the sale of the Education Offices and shows the frontage along Leopold Street. Click on the image for the full size version.
Class of 1938
This photo was kindly supplied by Gerry Hall and shows Class 1R of what was then the City Secondary School in 1938. I have no names at the moment, but if you know anyone, please get in touch. Click on the photo for the full size image.
Staff photo 1951
This photo was also supplied by Gerry Hall and shows the CGS staff in post in 1951. I have some names as shown, but if you know any more, please let me know. Click on the photo for the full size image.
Left to right
Back row
1. Miss Tosney 2. Mr Hodge 3. Mr Thompson (Senior) 4. Mr Etchells 5. Mr Taylor 6. Mr Curtis 7. Mr Withington 8. Mr Bousfield 9. Mr Cole 10. Mr Fantham 11. ?
Middle row
1. Betty Rowland (secretary) 2. Enid Davenport 3. ? 4. Joan Ainsworth 5. Betty Thorold 6. Mr McMahon 7. Mr Standeven 8. Mr Walker 9. Mr Drake 10. Mr Bailey 11. Mr Parsons 12. Miss Cole 13. Miss Iredale (secretary)
Front row
1. Mrs Potter 2. Miss Hutchinson 3. Miss Laycock 4. Miss Taylor 5. Miss Silk 6. Head - Mr Davies 7. Mr Goodfellow 8. Miss Foster 9. Mr Hum 10. Mr Callister 11. Mrs Rignall
Class 2D of 1961
This photo was supplied by Roger Allen who attended 1960 - 1967. Click on the photo for the full size image.
Form 2D 1961
Back row : John Case, Denis Bullock, ? Crookes, Roger Allen (me), ? Hall, Paul Crossley, ? Palfreyman, John Dixon, ? (possibly Christopher Travis), Gerald Manterfield, ?
Middle Row : Keith Grimshaw, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? (possibly Kenneth Lashley), ?, ?, ?, ? , ?
Front Row : Gail Wastnedge, ?, ?, ?, ?, Mr. Drage, ?, Margaret Moore, ?, ?, ?
Form 4? 1964
This photo was also supplied by Roger Allen and also from Di Robinson. Click on the photo for the full size image.
4? 1964
Back row: David Twoomey, Andrew Buck, ?, Glenn Ibbotson, David Lindsey, Paul Crossley, Graeme Lawrence [?], Roger Allen, Keith Grimshaw, [Michael?] Swann, Gerald Manterfield, Graham???
Middle row: Margaret Moore, Lynne Curbishley, Di Robinson, Jill Purvis, Chris Brown, Irene Butcher, Janet [Smith?], Pat ....., Karen .....?, June Bennett, Margaret Lidster
Front row: Gail Wastnedge, Cheryl Burrell, Janet ....[?], Jenny ....[?], Linden Deakin / Deacon, Mr Barnsley, don't know, Wendy .... [?], Pam ....., Elizabeth Connor, Sheila Barley
Badminton team of 1964
This photo was supplied by Margaret Muir. Click on the photo for the full size image.
Back. Stuart Berry, Graham Harper, Mr Bradshaw, xxx, xxxx, Eddie Prosser
Front. Marion Matthewman, Madgie Prosser, xxx, xxx, xxx, Helen Amiry, Margaret Douthwaite.
Staff photo 1964
This photo was supplied by Janet Bodsworth.Click on the photo for the full size image.
Back row: 1. ?? 2. ?? 3. Andrew Clarke 4. ?? 5. Mr Bradshaw 6. Mr Paulson 7. ?? 8. Mr Barnsley 9. Mr Drage 10. Mr Fuller 12. Mr Richies 11. Mr Adams 13. Gordon Sanderson 14. ?? 15. ?? 16. Ralph(?) Bellamy
Middle row: 1. ?? 2. Mrs Ashmore 3. ?? 4. Wendy Osborne 5. ?? 6. Mr Brown 7. Mr Nichols 8. Mr Mc Pherson 9. Peter Ward 10. Mr Early 11. Mr Sheridan 12. ?? 13. ?? 14. ?? 15. ?? 16. ??
Front row: 1. Claire Essenhigh 2. Grace Bennet 3. Mrs Moxon 4. Miss Davy 5. Mrs Rignall 6. Amy Johnson 7. Miss Cole 8. Mr Harvatt (head) 9. Derek Walker (deputy head) 10. Mr Curtis 11. Cecil Cawton 12. Ralph Hum 13. Arnold Drake 14. Edgar Parsons 15. Mr Bailey
Form 2A 1964
This photo was supplied by Janet Bodsworth.Click on the photo for the full size image.
Front row: 1. Phil Harrison 2. David Stuart 3. ?? 4. Ronald Staniland 5. Phillip Helliwell 6. Jeff Lake 7. Tom Ulley 8. Roger Avill 9. Steve Farram(?) 10. John Anderson 11. Gerald Craft
Middle row: 1. Jacqueline Taylor 2. Lynda Kitteringham 3. Margaret Piggot 4. Eileen Poole 5. Keith Ellis 6. Neil Bodsworth 7. Alan Clegg 8. Susan Moss 9. Pat Tingle 10. Avril Marsden 11. Susan Hill(?) 12. Lorraine Worrall
Front row: 1. Sue Flynn 2. Susan Royles 3. Joy Fargher 4. Elaine Gibbs(?) 5. Ruth Briggs 6. Mr Nichols 7. Barbara Thompson (?) 8. Pauline Barrett 9. Elaine Fleming 10. Jennifer Credland 11. Ann Brady
More to follow soon...........................omnes amici.